June Newsletter


So first, my CD!---the CD Artwork proofs have finally been submitted and I have approved them. This upcoming week, my dad and I will start the audio file process. This will make us half way through this process. I have had a lot of snags during this process, but we will figure them out with God's help.




Second, I want to fill you in on the two invitations that I had this past month to share my music. Last month I shared with you that I was invited to two different events to share a song or two of mine. The first event was my Monday night Women's group that my sister and I go to every week. We are studying The Broken Way by Ann Voscamp. As I began this study, the Lord put it on my heart to share one of my new songs with the ladies as it goes with the Study. So I shared my song called Undone. Undone is about how the Lord loves when we come to Him even when we are undone and broken and how He lifts us on His shoulders so we can see His perspective through it all. It was beautiful and it went right with that week's topic. The Lord knew!


The second invite I was given was to present a song or two and share about my songwriting process. This group meets once a month and normally their focus is book writing, but as God would have it, the Month of May was geared towards songwriters. ;)




At first, I really wasn't sure how this was going to go. I felt like Salt and Light from Matthew 5:13-16. The other songwriters wrote secular, story telling, folk kind of songs. It was a little awkward at first, but as soon as it was my time to share and sing, the Lord came and gave me what I needed to do this. I asked the Lord to give me the words to speak as I shared, because speaking in front of others is not as comfortable as singing is for me, but God was faithful as He always is. I actually felt almost in my element as I shared. For the first time, I felt that I was in my element speaking in front of others. So thankful for confirmations that the Lord gives.




Thirdly, my Trip coming up!




June 21- July 3, I will be in Lowell, Indiana with my friend. I am asking for extra prayer coverage, starting, even now and throughout the time I will be away, as any kind of ministry trip always need lots of prayer and wisdom for me every day that I am there. I am excited to see what God does. Also, be praying for my friend. She is also a worshiper/songwriter, but has had some words spoken over her, words of discouragement in the area of songwriting. I am believing and asking you to agree with me in prayer, that the Lord will have His way in this specific area for her while I am there. I am asking the Lord that if I am to play a part, even a small part, in her healing process concerning this that God would put His words into my mouth. Only His words bring life, Amen?




Can't wait to fill you in when I get back! :)




Blessings on you this month and always.