August Newsletter


My August Update:




Happy August Everyone!




Praying that you all are well. Cannot believe it is August already. This summer has flown by, but there were so many God moments that I will hold onto for a long while.




In our last letter, I shared with you all that God is leading my mom an I to Uganda for a two week missions trip in October.---and God has miraculously been providing and clearing our path as He does. Our entire airfare came in and our half of our shots have been taken care of and provided for! Amen! Our goal together is $6,000 and we are just under half way of reaching that! It is so exciting, but we would ask you to cover us in prayer even now for protection over our family and our team members' families. God is sending us there and we are claiming all that He has for us, and supernatural peace and grace every step of the way.




More Music news!




I am stepping out in faith in doing my very first Music Video for my song: Simple Song off my latest CD!!!




I say I am stepping out in faith in doing this because I am not one who loves to be in the spotlight or likes to be video taped, so this is definitely stretching me, but the Lord has put this in my spirit to do, so I will. He will give me all that I need to accomplish this and that is good enough for me. :)


I will be filming here locally next weekend and will share with you all as this process continues!-----It is crazy, but God is in it so I will take the adventure.




And secondly, In Your Love (Live), my Third Album is Now Available on All Digital formats!


For those of you that don't already have it or would like it Digitally, it is Now Available On: CD Baby, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon etc!


This album was recorded LIVE in my living room in 2014 and is so close to my heart. I tell people that this album is where I realized what my sound would be and where my heart truly is. Several songs off this record were milestones in my Journey, so I am thrilled to be able to put this album out there and share it with so many more people than I have before. All glory to Jesus.


All that to say, whatever God begins, He will complete in us. It's His promise and He is faithful. I am praying for you and speaking supernatural peace and grace over you and your families. ...and REST in His presence. Over the past month or so, God has been teaching me the value and gift of Rest; in His presence. When we cease from Striving, it is then that God can show up that much Stronger. Rest is not weakness... I am learning that it is actually great strength and grace of God.



Have a blessed month of August.


Briley Jo